Marketing Help For 3D Printing File Companies

The association of 3D Printing has found some interesting domains for sale by one of our members. and 3d file are on sale at a trusted broker The small investment can help companies with complicated or non-intuitive URL’s be found easier on google.

Personal Branding

Personal Branding For Finance

(Notes from personal branding discussion)

Why is this important?

career- contacts, credibility, know how > relevance

sales side: you’ve worked my clients well, where are YOUR clients?

What are we really selling?

Why me?

Top O’ google

Career marketer for brands, companies and people

Personal bias to help

What is Branding?

The emotional relationship a prospect has with you/your offer/your company

What is Positioning?

The Intellectual relationship a prospect has with you/your offer/your company

Around the room; personal branding statement

Around the room redone: personal branding statement with a benefit to me/reason to talk

Marcom Triangle




10 word pitch (back of business card)

Elevator pitch (30 seconds)

1 Page pitch (CV? Cover letter?)

SM profile (linked in)

4 page website

Social Media

FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Google+,

Instagram, Pinterest

Social Media in 5 minutes/day

Put up one tweet, 1 FB post

Social Media in 10 minutes/day

1 tweet, 1 FB, 1 LinkedIn, Join 1 conversation

Do’s and Don’ts

Headline is most important part of any post

Link the user where you want her

Get a professional photo

Get a personal Email address

Multi Media: Slide show, articles, photos, audio

Make the content unique. Don’t just forward an article, put a few comments on it (unique)

Why do I like Audio?

3D Printing News And 3D Printing Disruptions When Will It End?

In an interesting study by Accenture, the disruptive effects of 3D Printing are actually being monetized. According to Cisco Systems Inc., there is an estimated $14.4 trillion in digital disruption dollars up for grabs between now and 2022. This makes it more and moire necessary for 3D Printing entrepreneurs to understand the business of 3D Printing.

Accenture believes that digital supply networks are the backbone of this new ecosystem: worldwide conduits that streamline and accelerate the exchange of products, materials, components and (perhaps most important) information. We also believe 3D printing is an ideal illustration of the digital supply network’s vast potential.

Rad the full article here

3D Printing And Logistics Where Is The Disruption?

According to our fiends ant Ernst And Young, 3D Printing is affecting all industries in different ways; The logistics sector, however, is experiencing particular disruption. The impacts are two-way: manufacturers will be able to 3D print products closer to their customers, on demand, so reducing logistics costs. This will influence the entire logistics and transportation industry, requiring it to adjust its business models. As 3DP technology advances swiftly, many global logistics players are considering its impact and how it will influence their future approach.

EY’s global research shows that 10% of all logistics and transportation companies already have experience of additive manufacturing. Will this be another disruptor? Read the full article EY